So there’s more news regarding the mystery man featured in the new Dragon Ball Xenoverse video game, could this be Super Saiyan God Gohan?! Also what do you guys think of Dimps including Dragon Ball Online’s Time Patrol Trunks in this game. Lemme know in the comments section below and also don’t forget to “LIKE” or “DISLIKE” the video for it inspires me to make more videos for you guys and come up with more analogies to keep you updated in a timely manner.
As you can tell by the title I’m gonna be talking about V-Jumps latest scans of Future Trunks and the red haired mystery man that everyone has reason to believe Trunks or Super Saiyan God Gohan. I honestly can’t tell you. Even though its been a week since Xenoverse has been announced, NamcoBandai has been tight lipped about the time leaping protagonist. Although little has been revealed about these particular scans I thought I’d take time to analyze what little we do have so I hope you guys enjoy.
There’s no doubting that Dimps is the main reason the Dragon Ball Z games have become a mainstay in the gaming community. I know a huge number of people are bombed that Spike didn’t carry on the development tourch but I think its for the best. This to me comes as a testament of growth for Dimps. They’ve worked on a total of 8 games for DBZ, making Xenoverse the 9th go-around. It seems like every title we get from them they seem to get better and implement things we’ve never seen. Whether it be rock paper scissor gameplay gimmicks, interactive easter eggs, or what if characters, the possibilities are endless. Another point I would like to make is that they made these games on a year to bi-yearly basis, and in those short amount of times managed to perfect their previous mistakes.
Based on the gameplay footage and intel I’ve received from various sites, Xenoverso will allow players to rrecreate famous battles from the show such as the saiyan saga Goku vs Vegeta fight. While the game plays a lot like the previous games, being developed for the next gen system will most likely give us something we’ve never seen.
Published By: NamcoBandai
Developed By: Dimps
Platforms: Playstation 4, Playstation 3, Xbox One, Xbox 360
dragonball xenoverse news trailer
dragon ball z xenoverse gameplay analogy
xenoverse dragonball news update
dragon ball xenoverse news trailer
“dragon ball xenoverse”
dragon ball xenoverse character roster
“Time Patrol Trunks Dragon Ball Xenoverse”
super saiyan God Gohan