New Berserk Series | Netflix Teases plans for new Berserk Anime? | Explained
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What’s up guys? RBG here, doing another follow-up video to a topic that’s garnering a lot of attention. About a week ago I did a video discussing the Castlevania producer wanting to do an anime adaptation of Berserk. And how he wanted to take the series back to classical 2D animation. And that video got a massive reception amassing over a thousand shares and upvotes on facebook & reddit. So you guys seemed to be really interested in that little tidbit with some of you stressing how you hope this comes to fruition. Well I have more interesting news that’ll undoubtedly get you more hyped so we’re gonna talk about it today. But before we jump into that I wanna remind you that this video is sponsored by Kookygamer. Since you guys have supported this channel I’ve linked up kookgamer to give you their free gaming mouse. It features a high FPS Rate, 7 different switches such as the back and forward buttons. An adjustable DPI, microswitches backed with LED lights, and much more. To top things off we’re also throwing in the brand new super bass earbuds which you can order in either black or white. The shipping and handling averages around 5 dollars depending on your location. The link will be in the description box below so make sure you jump on that while the offer last. But getting back to the matter at hand. There have been rumors going around that Castlevania’s producer, Adi Shankar was making a new Berserk series for Netflix. But those rumors were a little fabricated because he never confirmed that he was making it. He just briefly mentioned that he would love to do a proper adaptation if someone reputable would be get him the rights to it. Like there’s no confirmation that he has the rights or if he even has plans on doing the series. You gotta remember that he already has his hands full with other projects. Castlevania has already been greenlit for a third season. That series has really taken off and gone above Netflix’s expectations. They didn’t expect it to do what it’s doing now.