The Amazing Spider-Man 2 video game – All Carnage Scenes/ Boss Battles PS4
This video consist of the Amazing Spiderman 2 video game Carnage boss battle. I have taken the liberty of stitching all the scenes pertaining to Carnage AKA the Carnage Killer. While further investigating the murderer of his uncle Ben Parker, Peter takes it upon himself to find the perpatraitor and brig him to justice. He has seemed to be getting closer but someone struck first before he could make his final move. He hound his uncle’s murderer dead with the insignia “CK” incrested in blood. This gave birth to the Carnage Killer, a tactical vigilante who brings his foes to justice by taking their lives in the process. Peter returns home to his aunt Mae and feels a certain level of guilt for feeling somewhat pleased that the murderer of his Uncle Ben has been taken out.
Instead of letting the Carnage Killer go his criminal killing spree, Spider-Man decides to put an end to all the senseless blood shed and that’s where he finally see’s the face of the Carnage Killer AKA Cletus Kassidy. Cletus Kassidy finds delight in killing his victoms, he claims that it brings out the true predator within. Spider-Man successfully defeats the Carnage Killer and Cletus Kassidy is given over to Oscorp for further experiments. Later Spiderman finds out that Kassidy has been experimented to the point that he’s been given symbiotic powers and he now goes by the name Carnage. This boss battle was an epic 1 and its the final boss battle in the game.