Legendary producer Timbaland revealed some scary information with all of his supporters. At the height of his career in the early 2000s, Timbaland, also known as Tim Mosley, was catapulting artists like Beyoncé, Jay- Z, Drake, Rihanna, and Justin Timberlake to superstardom. By 2013, though, it was all trickling to a stop, brought to a screeching halt by his prescription drug addiction.
Timbaland, as so many others, got addicted to prescription drugs in 2011 after having them prescribed for a medical procedure, in his case a root canal. A gunshot injury from his teens at times flared up with pain, also causing him to turn to the drugs. He found himself taking them even after the pain had subsided and before he knew it, he was hooked.
“It put me in a great feeling of not caring, of just being free,” Timbaland told Men’s Health last week. “I’m like traveling, doing shows, popping ’em, having fun, just being ignorant.”
In addition to his physical pain, the rapper was also going through a messy divorce and a prolonged scuffle with the IRS. It all came to a head at the same time, causing him to seek escape.
For his own sake and for that of his three children, he decided to start weaning himself off the pills that were holding him back. He decided to take care of the addiction on his own. He finished up the supply he had, every day having less and less, and sticking to his decision to not buy any more. Eventually, he experienced withdrawal.
Speaking about his frightening wake-up call dream, he told Rolling Stone in 2017, “All I can tell you is that there was a light. I woke up trying to catch my breath, like I was underwater. But through that whole thing, I saw life – I saw where I would be if I don’t change, and where I could be if I did. . . “
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