“Devil May Cry 5” | All Cutscenes “Sons of Sparda Saga Movie” | In Chronological Order
Devil May Cry 5 Sons of Sparda all cutscenes movie. So I took the liberties of stitching all of the cutscenes of Devil May Cry 5 into 1 movie. But there’s a catch. The game’s plot is placed in different orders depending on who you’re playing with. So I decided to put them in chronological order based on the dates and times. Longtime DMC scenario writer Bingo Morihashi has brought his A-Game rectifying certain story elements that ran into snags. The once scattered and messy mythos has now been neatly organized through character relationships and bloodlines. It’s all one big family affair. The story takes place several years after the big Order of the Sword incident in Devil May Cry 4. It’s June 16th and Redgrave City is in complete disarray due to the expanding rift between the human and demon world that’s caused by a blood sucking demon tree.