New Berserk Series | Castlevania Producer Wants to Adapt Berserk | Explained
What’s going on guys? RBG here doing somewhat of a follow-up on my previous video. I mentioned that during an interview Castlevania Producer Adi Shankar talked about how he would bring Berserk back to classical 2D animation. And you guys really seemed interested in that particular part of the video. So I’m gonna dealve a little deeper into that because there’s certain things you wanted me to expand on. But before we get into that I wanna remind you guys that this video is sponsored by Mallknow. Since you guys have supported this channel I’ve linked up Mallknow to give you their brand new gaming mouse. It features a high FPS Rate, 7 different switches such as the back and forward buttons. An adjustable DPI, microswitches backed with LED lights, and much more. The shipping and handling averages around 5 dollars depending on your location. The link will be in the description box below so make sure you jump on that while the offer last. But getting back on track, in the last upload I covered the recent announcement that the producer of the Castlevania series has acquired the rights Devil May Cry. And there was this huge buzz how it’d be an anime that would be a part of this Netflix multiverse. But I don’t Adi Shankar meant that literally as people thought. I think he means that all of the shows he’s created will have has signature style. Like you’ll know it’s his work. The guy already has a channel called “The Bootleg Universe” which are essentially darker takes on popular lore like Power Rangers. It’s kinda like the MCU.They mainly borrow source material from the Earth 616 and Ultimate comics. But they’re set in their own alternate universe. So it’s safe to say that he just means that this new DMC Netflix series will be very similar in tone and aesthetics to Castlevania. But anyways there was an interview done by Forbes where he mentions the way he would do Berserk.