“NEW DEVIL MAY CRY 2018” | Story Cutscenes | DMC 4 Remake
New CR Devil May Cry 4 game 2018! So here are the story cutscnes to the DMC 4 Remake Pachinko game. Yeah it sucks that Capcom went this far but the cutscenes look sick! Development, story, cr, nero, Vergil, youtube news, breakdown trailer, gameplay. What’s up guys? My name is RBG hitting you guys up on another trailer breakdown on something I haven’t posted on this channel in quite some time. A few days ago we got the awesome announcement the we’ll be getting a sequel, a true sequel to the popular franchise Devil May Cry. I’ve compiled a bunch of notes and high quality images that’ll be used for this analysis but before we jump into that I wanna remind you that I’m currently giving away free gaming mouses. Since you guys have supported this channel I’ve linked up Mallknow to give you their brand new gaming mouse. It features a high FPS Rate, 7 different switches such as the back and forward buttons. An adjustable DPI, microswitches backed with LED lights, and much more. As I mentioned you can get this mouse absolutely free. All you gotta do is pay for the shipping handling which averages around 5 dollars depending on your location. The link will be in the description box below so make sure you jump on that while the offer last. But anyways I’m no stranger to posting DMC related content on this channel. I know most of my viewers discovered my channel after watching my Devi May Cry cutscene movies even the less favorable reboot, DMC. So you could probably tell that I was looking forward to this game. I wasn’t sure if I wanted to provide coverage or not so I asked you guys if you wanted a breakdown of the E3 trailer. And a majority of you guys said yes. So here we are treading on familiar territory. Now before I start breaking down the trailer I wanna give you guys my overall impressions since some of you asked what I thought about it. First and foremost lemme just say based on the overall aesthetic this is a huge farcry from the Devil May Cry the die hard fans are use to. I’m pretty sure upon first viewing the main character most of the fans assumed this was a direct sequel to the reboot DMC game which is totally understandable. The design definitely has more of a photo-realistic look where the characters tend to look like actual people. As opposed to the sort of Japanese anime-esque look that we’ve seen in the previous installments.