“Spider-Man PS4” | Story Behind the Suit | Peter Parker’s Social Life | Promo Art
Spider-Man PS4 story behind the new advanced suit & more info regarding the duality between Peter Parker & Spider-Man. Spiderman youtube, gameplay 2018 ps4, spider man ps4 costumes, youtube spider-man ps4, free roam youtube. What’s up comic book enthusiasts. RBG here bringing you guys more news & details on Marvel’s Spider-Man PS4. Today we’ll be going over the recent details we got in regards to the new Advanced Spider-Man suit that Insomniac has been so secretive about since it’s reveal. I’ll also be going over an article Gameinformer released a few days ago giving us more insight about the duality between Peter Parker & Spider-Man. But before we delve into the topics at hand I’d like to briefly talk about something that I feel hasn’t gotten the attention it deserves. And that is a specific promotional art provided by the legendary comic book artist Alex Ross. Unbeknownst to many including myself, Mr. Ross has collaborated with Insomniac on an awesome promo art for Spider-Man PS4. I had previously seen the artwork featured on Gameinformers website when they began releasing coverage of the game but didn’t think to much of it. But a few days ago I saw the familiar artwork floating around the internet via Alex Ross’s official YouTube channel. For those unfamiliar with his works, Ross is famous for his photo realistic, human depictions of iconic comic book characters. He’s also ventured out with his talents into other mediums such as movies like Star Wars and Terminator to name a few. After I saw the video I realised how much of a love letter Spider-Man PS4 is to the fans and here’s why. Alex Ross has literally been entangled with a couple of big Spidey related projects so this is sort of a minor homecoming for him. In his previous fores he provided concept and narrative art for Sam Raimi’s Spider-Man. Later on his art would be utilized in Spider-Man 2’s opening credit sequence. And man I may be coming off like a biased Spider-Man fanboy but those are by far the most engaging opening credits I’ve ever witnessed. The way it gives beatiful expository visual narratives while Danny Elfman’s epic score pulls on your heart strings was nothing short of spectacular. So yeah, Mr. Ross is no stranger to making our beloved heroes more epic than they already are. He went on to talk about his involvement in the project and how he was amazed by the trailer’s visuals.